Written on Sep, 20, 2019
by Allan
Over time, the perception which couples have about love tends to change. A lot of problematic couples don’t know when their previously happy marriages start to deteriorate; obviously, they must have overlooked some important changes that happened in their marital relationships. Probably, you…
Written on Sep, 03, 2019
by Allan
In a marital relationship, true love is a beautiful magnificent obsession, it motivates us to chase our happiness, and it is the highest goal of living in a marriage; the obsession gets us more involved in our life; it makes us feel more…
Written on Aug, 12, 2019
by Allan
Do you notice that your man seems to be less engaged, less present, and less satisfied with you? Do you feel blindsided or shell shocked as you don’t know what went wrong? In this situation, most likely, he pulls away because of a…
Written on Aug, 07, 2019
by Allan
Nobody likes to be resented by someone they love, and nobody wants to hold resentment towards someone they love. Yet resentment often tiptoes into a marital relationship almost without a spouse realizing it, and then it takes up space, spreads and grows there.…
Written on Jul, 31, 2019
by Allan
Maybe, you have been married for years, but more or less, you make some mistakes over and over again during sex without realizing them. Sometimes when having sex with your spouse, you feel like you are doing the right thing, but that thing…
Written on Jul, 24, 2019
by Allan
You must feel kind of paranoid and anxious when your husband seems to be pulling away. Maybe, you are not sure whether he is withdrawing emotionally or whether your inner insecurities are acting up. More often than not, a woman panics prematurely when…
Written on Jul, 20, 2019
by Allan
Do you feel like your husband is not there for you while you need him? Do you come to feel that he doesn’t care about you? Does it seem to be a stretch for him to do things that are involved with you?…
Written on Jul, 16, 2019
by Allan
Marriage is a long journey; and during the journey, inevitably there are times when a husband comes to hate his wife. And sometimes a wife is confused about how to deal with a husband who hates her, although they may have lived together…
Written on Jul, 09, 2019
by Allan
The big hikes in prices and slow wage growth often put us under increased financial stress. And especially after you get married and have an ever-growing family, you can find it easy to run out of your money, and you can easily feel…
Written on Jul, 03, 2019
by Allan
In a marriage, both spouses have emotional needs that they desire to fulfill to feel balanced. And when it comes to the most important emotional needs of a spouse, men and women greatly differ from each other. By gaining an in-depth understanding of…