The marriage isn’t always a smooth sail, it is normal to encounter a marital crisis at some point; in most cases, a marriage can be saved; if you are disappointed with your marriage but you want to save it, you may read the tips on how to save your marriage.

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Archive of posts published in the category: Tips For Couples

how to manage anger in marriage – deal with your & your spouse’s anger

Are you struggling with unmanaged anger in your marriage? And do you realize anger and resentment are wrecking your marriage? If so, the following offers you tips on how to manage anger in marriage from two perspectives: your anger and your spouse’s anger.…


10 basic tips on how to prevent your husband from cheating on you

10 simple tips on how to prevent your husband from cheating on you

Being unfaithful in a marriage is an agonizing trauma for any married woman to endure. Initially, few men set out to cheat on their women in a relationship – but sadly, infidelity happens later. Cheating in marriages becomes so rampant now, and do…


9 simple tips on how to be irresistible to your husband again

tips on how to be irresistible to your husband again

Attraction should be viewed as an essential component of any long term relationship. Your ongoing attraction to him greatly helps keep your marriage healthy and strong. However, over the years, you may have realized that it becomes difficult to keep him attracted to…


what causes a sexless marriage – why does a marriage become sexless

what causes a sexless marriage

Do you feel you are in a sexless marriage? Does your spouse consistently show a lack of interest in sex? A sexless marriage can spell a disaster for the future of the relationship, and it is urgent to take action to cope with…


9 tips on how to make your husband loyal – what he needs in the marriage

how to make your husband loyal

It is hard to figure out how many men are really loyal to their women in their marriages, but there is no doubt that a huge number of married men have ever thought about cheating on their wives. In general, men are more…


Causes of loneliness – Tips to stop feeling lonely in marriage for wives

common causes of feeling lonely in marriage

Feeling lonely in marriage is a painful reality for a lot of married women, are you also struggling to seek the connection that can quell your isolation? Before taking action to cope with loneliness in your marriage, it is very necessary to gain…


5 tips on how to make your husband feel loved and respected

As a married woman, you must have thought about what you need most in your marriage. But have you ever considered your man’s highest need in your relationship? The research found that most married women’s highest need is to feel cherished and loved…


how to survive in a sexless marriage – is a sexless relationship doomed

10 tips on how to survive a sexless marriage

If a once-satisfying sex life becomes non-existent or infrequent, almost certainly, other aspects of marriage will become affected. And it is undeniable that one or both spouses in a sexless marriage are more prone to have the intention of having an affair, especially…


7 simple tips on how to get your husband interested in you again

how to get your husband interested in you again

As a wife, do you feel like that the spark has faded away in your marriage? Or do you feel you are no longer attractive to your man? If that’s what you are thinking about your marriage, it is a warning sign that…


10 tips on how to boost your husband’s ego – stroke his ego

how to boost your man's ego

In a marriage, a man may feel self-doubt, insecure, and even questions his woman’s feelings about him at some point. Although your man is reluctant to acknowledge those feelings, most likely he has ever experienced them. Like the majority of husbands, probably your…