The marriage isn’t always a smooth sail, it is normal to encounter a marital crisis at some point; in most cases, a marriage can be saved; if you are disappointed with your marriage but you want to save it, you may read the tips on how to save your marriage.

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Archive of posts published in the category: Tips For Couples

a wife’s emotional needs – what a wife wants from a husband

a wife's 4 major emotional needs

In a marriage, a wife needs to experience a strong sense of security from her husband, and she wants him to stay committed to developing a long-term relationship. But numerous wives complain that their husbands just don’t fulfill their basic emotional needs in…


6 tips on how to make up with your spouse after a fight

tips on how make up with your spouse after a big fight

The majority of married couples can fight at some point. While a lot of fights are trivially simple, some big fights are powerful to wreck a long-term relationship. Recovering from a big fight is a slow process for married couples. Even if you…


how to seduce your husband with words – sexually arouse him

Most married women inevitably have a hard time arousing their husbands sexually at some point? If you also find it increasingly difficult to get your husband in the mood for sex now, you must wonder how to make him horny again. Maybe, you…


6 tips on what to do when you feel rejected by your husband

what to do when you feel rejected by your husband

If your husband is often emotionally unavailable or distant to you, you tend to feel rejected, and his rejection hurts your feelings inevitably. When you resent him for his emotional distance or unavailability, probably your attention is so wholly focused on him that…


how to have a fulfilling marriage – make your marriage last

how to have a fulfilling marriage

Among all the phases of a marital relationship, a great honeymoon phase should be the easiest one that a couple can go through happily; but the initial spark will inevitably slim down, and even sizzle out altogether and disappear over time. So do…


what to do when your husband is bored with you – rekindle your marriage

what to do when your husband is bored with you

Over time as the marital spark wilts or fades away, a lot of married men feel stuck in a drab relationship – this kind of relationship is not loveless, it just suggests they are sort-of bored with their woman. And do you also…


how to keep your marriage alive – maintain a happy long term marriage

how to keep your marriage alive

Having a happy long-lasting marriage is the original intention of almost all the married couples. Sadly, reports find that only a small number of married couples are happy with their married life overall; by contrast, a bigger number of couples complain about a…


What to do when your husband rejects you sexually – what does it mean

how to deal with being sexually rejected by your husband

In the long-term relationship, it seems unavoidable that your husband does not have much interest in sex at some point, and even sometimes he may directly reject your sexual advances. The problem with his rejection is that you may think too much about…


how to deal with verbal abuse from your husband – stop his verbal abuse

how to deal with an abusive husband

Unlike physical abuse, verbal abuse never leaves a visible mark on the victim. But it is a typical form of emotional abuse because it unavoidably makes the victim suffer emotionally. Emotional scars often take longer to heal than physical scars. In many cases,…


7 common signs your husband is having a midlife crisis

signs your husband is having a midlife crisis

Almost every married man unavoidably goes through a gut-wrenchingly depressing experience at one time or another in his life. And a midlife crisis is a clear embodiment of such an experience for the majority of married men between forty and fifty. Usually, a…